Maintaining Essential Laundry Services in Our Residential Communities
March 24th, 2020
Our team members are working to support residential communities in maintaining functioning community (shared) and in-home laundry operations. With help from our client partners, we are keeping millions of Americans supported in having clean laundry.
Providing services in the safest way possible is important for us all. We have re-written our playbook for how we deliver services to our clients and consumers. These procedures incorporate practices like social distancing throughout our procedures. In order to best meet overall demand, we have also prioritized core parts of our business, including the installation and servicing of machines.
We want you to be aware of our changes and ask for your support as we continue to work together to support residents.
- Your community laundry room(s) and related equipment (AVU’s) should remain accessible and running as the ability to do laundry can stop the spread of the virus and is vital to your residents.
- Moving Add Value Units (AVU’s) is in high demand, and providers may be limited. It may help to publish open hours and limit traffic through some assignments (floors, room numbers, etc.).
- When a CSC laundry technician is on-site, they may briefly post an “in-service” sign while servicing your machines. This is a fundamental step to respect the desire for social distancing.
- We will no longer be able to conduct “pay-on-site” for a period of time. Instead, we will collect and process a commission check as we do with most of our customers.
- In most cases, the responsibility to clean and disinfect laundry rooms and/or laundry machines in them rests with the property and will remain there due to capacity limitations. According to the CDC, cleaning and disinfecting can be done relatively quickly, through basic methods and with routine products.
- Encourage residents to follow CDC general guidelines for doing laundry as well as issued Recommendations for Households with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019.
- Our customer service phone lines are supporting many calls. We encourage all clients to take advantage of ways to manage your account online.
- Limit the number of people in the laundry room by encouraging loading and unloading only, waiting outside of the room otherwise. Also encourage folding at home.
- For everyone’s safety, like many service professionals, our technicians may ask if there have been any individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 that reside in a home or on the property.