National Center for Children and Families (Bethesda, MD)
September 16th, 2021
National Center for Children and Families (NCCF) is dedicated to serving vulnerable children, youth, and families by providing access to programs and services that inspire their ability to thrive and give back.
CSC ServiceWorks’ teams in Baltimore and Washington, D.C. installed new equipment at the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF), an amazing Bethesda-based organization that creates healthy living environments for vulnerable children, youth and families. The organization operates four service divisions: adolescent services, community-based services, family services and foster care and adoption services.
According to Tracy Ballantine, CSC Operations Manager, “The on-site staff was very pleased with the install. We showed them how to use the CSC ServiceWorks Service App, which they loved!” CSC is proud to support NCCF and the community they serve. Stay tuned for more about our local teams as they scale our impact across the country.